challenge | 2023 |Crescent Girls' School - Team 1




energy efficiency

energy efficiency refers to the elimination of energy waste by utilizing less energy to complete the same job.

There are opportunities for energy efficiency measures at all levels of energy use, from household appliances to large scale industrial projects.

Light Bulb

Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change and reduce energy costs for consumers

what are Energy efficient elctronics?

Vector Image

Energy-efficient electronics are capable of maximising small amounts of energy into the required energy needed to complete a task. They use less energy to get the same job done.

Cute Robot

Fuel cell to generate electricity

Plug Icon
A simple cell set up is a device that converts Chemical Energy into Electrical Energy
  • The metal that is higher on the metal reactivity scale will oxidize more frequently. This is the negative electrode, an anode, and it will release electrons more quickly.
  • The positive electrode, a cathode, will be made of a metal that is lower on the metal reactivity scale. Positive ions and hydrogen ions are present in the electrolyte.
  • The electrons leave the anode and travel to the cathode via the connecting wires.
  • This forms a closed circuit, producing electricity

Hydrogen Fuel cell Uses hydrogen as Fuel and oxygen from the air as the oxidiser Produces water along with electricity Is a renewable fuel More efficient than fuel burning sources
  • Hydrogen, is fed to the anode, and air is fed to the cathode
  • In a hydrogen fuel cell, a catalyst* at the anode separates hydrogen molecules into protons and electrons, which take different paths to the cathode.
  • The electrons go through an external circuit, creating a flow of electricity.
  • The protons move from the electrolyte to the cathode, where they unite with oxygen and the electrons to produce water and heat.

*catalyst enables hydrogen molecules to be split into protons and electrons.

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape

impact on environment

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Electronic devices consume a lot of energy, and most of the energy comes from non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The production of energy from these sources contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

Some of the many problems faced
resource extraction
E waste
Usage of Non renewable energy sources

Production of Electronic Devices requires the extraction of Natural Resources such as metals, minerals and rare earth elements. The Extraction process can cause environmental damage including deforestation, soil erosion and water pollution

It is a growing environmental problem. Many electronic devices contain hazardous materials, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can contaminate soil and water if not disposed of properly. E-waste also contributes to landfill waste, which can lead to soil and water pollution.

Electronic devices require energy to power and charge them, and the electricity used to power them is often generated from non-renewable sources, such as coal and natural gas. Electronic devices consume a significant amount of energy during their production, use, and disposal.


The extraction of resources refers to the withdrawing of materials from the environment for human use, including fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal), rocks and minerals,

The effects of resource extraction are having far-reaching impacts on Earth. Some of these effects include,

the destruction of habitats, which affects species, populations, biodiversity, and interactions between organisms


E-waste can be toxic as it is not biodegradable and accumulates in the environment, in the soil, air, water and living things

Improper management of electronic waste leads to significant losses of scarce and valuable raw materials, including precious metals such as neodymium (important for motor magnets), indium (used in flat-panel TVs) and cobalt (used in batteries).


Electricity is usually produced by burning fossil fuels in processing plants, which "create" electricity in exchange for the fuel burned. The coal, oil or gasoline that powers the electricity-producing turbines is derived from non-renewable, limited energy sources

About 80% of the energy consumed worldwide each year comes from fossil fuels

how does this affect the environment

enthalpy change

note vector

What is Enthalpy Change?

It is equivalent to the amount of energy lost or gained during a chemical reaction

Overall enthalpy change(ΔH)=

Total energy absorbed during bond breaking - Total energy released during bond breaking

  1. Combustion of Fossil Fuels:

Balanced Equation of combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel such as methane (CH4):

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

Enthalpy of combustion of methane

=[2 × Enthalpy of H2O] + [Enthalpy of CO2] - [Enthalpy of CH4] - [2 × Enthalpy of O2]

= [2 × (-285.83 kJ/mol)] + [-393.51 kJ/mol] - [-74.81 kJ/mol] - [2 × 0 kJ/mol]

= -802.3 kJ/mo

  • negative enthalpy change, thus heat is released during the combustion of methane (exothermic reaction)
  • magnitude of the enthalpy change = the amount of energy released per mole of methane combusted.
Bubble message chat

Enthalpy change during production of electronic devices depends on specific processes, materials involved and energy sources used

2. Production of Electronics:

Manfacturing of Silicon Wafers used in the production of microchips - involves several steps including the purification of silicon and the growth of a crystal structure.

Purification of silicon using the Siemens process: SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO

  • this will result in a Negative enthalpy change, heat is released(exothermic reaction)
  • Purification process requires significant energy inputs in the form of high temperatures and electric currents
existing solutions

light emiting diode [LED]

Benefit 1

much more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs, using up to 90% less energy to produce the same amount of light.

Francois Mercer

Yanis Petros

Benefit 2

Light Bulb

longer lifespan than traditional bulbs, lasting up to 50,000 hours or more, compared to the 1,000 hours of an incandescent bulb.

air conditioners

Centralised cooling




“Water cooled system for higher energy savings and efficiency

Estimated operating efficiency is 0.65KW/RT

Lower maintenance & servicing costs

Cools home using a closed chilled water loop, instead of refrigerant gas

Built in control valve

Built in Smart Control

“Air cooling system requires more energy to cool down and condense refrigerant vapor into liquid

Higher maintenance & servicing costs

Increased need for raising gas pressure leading to lower efficiency

air gradient icon
air gradient icon
air gradient icon

other solutions

Energy efficient windows

- made with materials that help reduce heat exchange and air leaks.

- don't need as much energy to heat or cool a space.

Smart thermostats.

- A thermostat is a WiFi-enabled device

control heating and cooling

works by learning your temperature preferences at home. Then it adjusts the temperature to energy-saving when you are asleep or away.

- Help you lower your utility bills by not spending too much on heating or cooling your home.

Textured Handdrawn Thermostat
Thermometer Weather Illustration
Smartwatch Isometric Illustration

Smart watches

Wearable devices like smartwatches can harvest the wearer’s body heat . These watches incorporate thermoelectric generators that utilise temperature difference between wearer’s skin and ambient environment to generate electrical energy that can recharge the internal battery of the watch

Hand Drawn Outlined Hands with Objects Smartwatch

active road studs

The white markings on roads are replaced by solar panels that harvest light energy from sunlight during the day, store it and use it to power streetlights during the day, store it and use it to power streetlights at night, lowering energy cost and dependence on electrical grid

Proposed solution [Advanced technology ]


chemisrty behind

Electrical Shock Warning Sign Illustration


Uses spin - another property of electrons to encode data.

Spin up electrons (upward pointing North Pole) or

Spin down electrons ( downward pointing north pole)

To determine



Computer sends tiny current through TMR and if the spins are parallel, electrons can tunnel through the insulator which is very unlikely but parallel spins make it possible (basketball against a wall)

Opposite spins are when almost no electrons tunnel through the insulator:

Depending on how much current reaches other side the computer will deduce whether it is holding a 1 or 0


Computer laptop
2d illustration Abstract futuristic electronic circuit technology background


in data storage

Magneto resistance ram

  • Replaces capacitors with tunneling magnetoresistance structures (TR)
  • Data is stored based on spin states of electrons already present- no leakage, info stored stays there unless we manually change it by exposing them to magnetic fields

Magneto resistance structures

Insulator: Has very high resistivity (electrons unlikely to move thru it)

Lower feromagnetic layer: fixed electrons forced to have same spin as each other

Upper magnetic layer: electrons change their spins according to external magnetic fields (spin-transfer torque) and electrons change their spin to match spin of nearby electrons

a video to explain more briefly

electronics vs spintronics



Devices get smaller - chips get smaller - capacitor gets smaller - prone to leakage of electrons:electron count falls below certain number, stored data is lost


to avoid: Computers need to recharge their capacitors several times per second - requires increasingly more power


Use property of electron called chargeuse known as spin, which is the intrinsic angular momentum of the electron.

1 charge = 160x10 ^-19 Columbus

Computer Memory (RAM)

contains billions of tiny plates called capacitors

Computer sends electrons to capacitors

Electron number in capacitor above a certain number, capacitor is assigned value 1, otherwise its assigned value 0

unique patterns of 0s and 1s represent letters, numbers,images


use the electrical charge of an electron to encode data.

Electronics is based on measuring the tiny electrical charge of electrons passing through electronic circuits.

Require speciased semiconductor materials in order to control the flow of charge through the transistors.


Spintronics has several advantages over conventional electronics. Electronics require specialised semiconductor material but spin can be measured very simply in common metals such as copper or aluminium. Less energy is needed to change spin than to generate a current to maintain electron charges in a device, so spintronics devices use less power.


Problem Statement:




Energy Efficiency

Surlhttps%3A%25%2Ewww.nea.¿ov.s:%2Four-services%2Fclimate-change-energy-efficienc%2Fenergvefficienc%2Fenergvefficient singapore&us=AQvVawOnzW5a0645u WC_iHd--PL




Enthalpy Reactions:

httos:// From Fossil Fuels.htm tbl1 237226364

Problem Statement:




Energy Efficiency

Surlhttps%3A%25%2Ewww.nea.¿ov.s:%2Four-services%2Fclimate-change-energy-efficienc%2Fenergvefficienc%2Fenergvefficient singapore&us=AQvVawOnzW5a0645u WC_iHd--PL




Enthalpy Reactions:

httos:// From Fossil Fuels.htm tbl1 237226364

Existing Solutions

Electrochemistry Chemistry/Supplemental Modules (Analvtical Chemistry) /Electrochemistry

Chemistry Matters GCE O Level Textbook chapter 13 and 16





Solar power